Grief Support & Links

Here are a few places where I was able to get some support as well as connecting with other babyloss moms:

-They also provide at no cost to a bereaved family a "Dreams of You" baby book & a comfort bear.

-They donate blankets & a book to hospitals all over the country. This is actually a local organization I participate with.

-This is a national organization of professional photographers who will come to the hospital to take pictures at no charge & provide you with a CD of the photos.

-She writes your childs name in the sand in Australia & photographs it and often has projects babyloss families can participate in.

Still Standing Magazine
-An online (free) magazine for anything related to miscarriage, infant loss & infertility.

Remembrance Items
-A list of websites that offer remembrance items,

"I Will Carry You"- Angie Smith
"Choosing to See"- Mary Beth Chapman
"Heaven"- Randy Alcorn
"A Grace Disguised"- Jerry Sittser
"Empty Arms"- Sherokee Ilse
"Still"- Stephanie Paige Cole

You can also search my blog on the right hand side using the search word "grief" to find posts I've shared about my grief journey.

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