Beach Trip Take 2

Earlier this month, I shared how a group of us attempted a day at the beach, but it rained off and on while we were there. The kids and their friends talked about trying to go down again in hopes of having better weather so we recently gave it another shot.

Lightning Lit Review

All my children have a love of reading! Typically, getting them to read for their homeschool literature assignments isn't too difficult. One of our favorite literature and composition company's is Hewitt Homeschooling. They have a variety of Lightning Lit and Comp courses ranging from elementary all the way through high school. We recently had the chance to try out British Christian. This course is typically aimed for grades 10-12.

First Camping Trip of the Year

We have been quite busy so unfortunately our first camping trip got pushed back this year. We ended up staying local. The kids even had their friends come by which made it a lot of fun! We had beautiful weather and were thankful to be able to get away for a few days.

Kicking Off Summer

While it isn't officially summer yet, we've been done with our school work for a little while now. The kids and some of their friends planned in advance a day trip to the beach. With older kids, they all have jobs so it takes a bit of arranging for people to get off work.

Unfortunately the day before the trip, we saw that they were calling for a cool, rainy day. But since everyone rearranged their schedules, we still planned to go the beach and make the most of the day.

K5 Learning - Review

We like to change up our homeschooling methods from time to time. A lot of our curriculum is workbook style but we like to sometimes add in computer programs or online learning. We recently had the chance to try out the online program from K5 Learning.

Christian Heroes: Then & Now - Review

We love reading in our house! Often times, my children read for fun but there are times they need to read books for school. Sometimes those type of books they don't find interesting. We are thankful though for YWAM Publishing and the great variety of biographies that they publish. We recently had the chance to read and review Christian Heroes - C.S. Lewis. This book is part of the Christian Heroes: Then & Now series.