Just Be YOU!

I came across this on Facebook recently and thought it was a good reminder and encouragement!

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."
Romans 12:2

Let's Go Geography - Review

Now that I am starting over with teaching elementary age in our homeschool again, it's amazing to me how many new resources are out there compared to when I first started homeschooling 13 years ago. I was recently introduced to Let's Go Geography. They offer a neat and in depth homeschool and co-op program that spans a total of 3 years. We were given access to their first year of their geography program.

Unauthorized Game Review

One of our favorite things to use for homeschooling are games. We love to change the routine up and break out different games for learning. We had previously been introduced to Chara Games and when their newest game, Unauthorized came out, we had a chance to try it out.

Stuffed Crescent Roll Breakfast Pockets

I love playing around with and tweaking breakfast foods. In fact, we enjoy having breakfast for supper which is when I came up with this simple yet delicious recipe.

stuffed crescent roll breakfast pocket

If You Were Me. . . -Review

I love building up our library of children's book with new and exciting stories. I had never heard of the author Carole P. Roman until recently when we had a chance to review several of her children's books. We reviewed If You Were Me and Lived on. . .MarsIf You Were Me and Lived in. . . RussiaIf You Were Me and Lived in. . .MexicoIf You Were Me and Lived in. . .Peru.

Progeny Press The Silver Chair - Review

Progeny Press is definitely a well known resource in our house. They are one of our favorite literature guides to use. The offer a wide variety of study guides for all ages. We were recently given The Silver Chair E-Guide.

Eye of the Storm

I've been listening to this song a lot lately. I wish I could say more as to why but needless to say I'm clinging to these words and the promises in the Bible. Especially Psalm 37. God's truth always prevails over sin!!!!

Halloween Tract - Review

It's hard to believe fall is around the corner. With that, there is Halloween and fall celebrations coming up. Along with the many fall festivals, are times of handing out goodies to kids. What if you were able to not only give kids a special treat but be able to share with them the special news about Jesus all at the same time? That is where Is There Anything Better Than Candy? Box-Tract comes in. This unique Halloween tract is from Let the Little Children Come.

The Ins and Outs of Cruising on a Dime Part 1

When we went on our first cruise 9 years ago, I was overwhelmed with trying to learn all about cruising before we actually went. I wanted to make sure I was getting the best deal as well as knowing all those little tips that experienced cruisers knew.

Tips on how to plan a cruise and cruise inexpensively