Homemade Kinetic Sand

You all have seen that moon sand in the store, right? It's a cool product but it is SO expensive for the small amount you get. Especially when your kiddo is going to spill some of it and it ends up in the trash.

My teens love looking on Pinterest for activities to do with the littles. Sarah saw a recipe to make a homemade version of moon sand using just 2 ingredients. So I told her to go ahead and give it a shot (I was busy nursing the baby so I didn't get to snap any pics as she mixed it). But she said it was super easy and came together in just a matter of minutes.

kinetic sand
This stuff has the same texture just like the kinetic sand you buy in the store. And it looks just like sand from the beach!

It's soft and fluffy yet it sticks together when you use it in sand castle molds. We store it in a small plastic container but when it's time to play, we let the littles play with it in a low side bin. Preferably outside if the weather is nice! ;) If we use it inside the house, I just lay a sheet down under the bin.

We also threw in some seashells from a recent beach trip to add to the "beach feel" of the sand! This stuff holds up well for many hours of play!

RECIPE for Kinetic Sand:
4 cups of flour
1 cup of baby oil

Mix both together well until you achieve the consistency of kinetic sand. Store in a sealed container or ziploc bag when not in use.

What type of sensory activities does your child enjoy?

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