While grief ebbs and flows, 6 years has not made Noah's special days any easier to face. In fact, at times it's harder as others expect you to "be better" so they don't acknowledge or remember the day like they did the first year or 2. Missing your child for 6 years is HARD! I've had others ask me what we are doing for the day, I honestly don't know. Olivia also shares a birthday with her big bother so it's a bittersweet day. I've had 1 party for their combined birthday (Olivia's 1st, Noah's 2nd ) but since then, it's been hard to corral others to celebrate Noah like they would Olivia. Which is hurtful. I'd love to host a party for both my babies, but if they both can't be celebrated equally, well, it hurts us all as a family. So most likely, we'll celebrate alone. Again.
BUT there is a way you can bless our family by joining us in celebrating no matter where you are! I have an album on my Facebok Fan Page page of name photos that many of you have sent me throughout the last 6 years. I can't tell you how much they bless our family! It could be a simple handwritten photo of his name or something creative. We don't care as long as others speak & write Noah's name. THAT is what we appreciate! Acknowledging our precious son's short but meaningful life is SUCH a precious gift!
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