2 year blogoversary & International Bereaved Mother's Day

Today is a special day for many reasons. First, 2 years ago today I wrote my first blog post (blogoversary is like anniversary, except for a blog lol). I wish I could say I started this for happier reasons, but the truth is, I started this blog the day we suspected something was wrong with my baby (post found here). Little did I know what we were about to face. It really is hard to believe it's been 2 years already.

I started keeping a record of what all was going on as many people around us asked for updates and it was often hard to repeatedly keep talking about things as we were just emotionally drained. So I would give them the link to my blog for updates on Noah and how to pray.

After some time had passed, it was also then my hope that the journey God placed us on with Noah would in some way be able to help other moms and families who are walking similar roads. I have had the privileged of chatting with many of you and the blessing of calling you my friends. I am thankful for how God has been continuing to use Noah's life in the lives of others.

My precious Noah's feet in my hands


Today, May 6th, is known as International Bereaved Mother's Day. A day to remember the many moms out there who hold some/all of their children in their hearts instead of their arms. The traditional Mother's Day is often a bittersweet day for those of us who have children in Heaven. While we are thankful for our children who are here with us, Mother's Day is also a reminder that we are missing one of our children who also contributed to making us a mom. So to you, my many fellow Baby Loss Moms, I am thinking of you today as well as this coming week as you anticipate Mother's Day and saying a special prayer for all of you. If you need someone to talk to or have a prayer request,  please don't hesitate to contact me using the form on the right side of my page or leave me a message below.

I was given this picture from Tesha in honor of International Bereaved Mother's Day today. Thank you Tesha, this meant a lot! Stop by her page on Tuesday's when she holds a link up for BLM's.

Along the lines of Mother's Day here is a good post to check out~


  1. Thanks for mentioning me Jen. Wow blog anniversary how cool :) I have been so blessed by your blog just knowing that you walk this hard path and are still going still serving God and loving your family. It was so hard for me at first I seemed to just come across baby loss blogs that were abandon. I am so thankful for you that after Noah you keep blogging. You have been a blessing to me and many!

  2. I love the Noah's name picture collection idea, this last one is very nice!

  3. Love the pic of Noah's name! Thank you in advance for your prayers, I will also be praying for you!

  4. Found my way here through the still standing link up. I haven't had a chance to read much of your blog, but I had to comment because I got caught in your "about me" section when I noticed you have an 8 year old son named Erik. I still haven't caught my breath. My son, Erik, would've been 8 years old this year. You can read our story on my blog at ashleyquarles.blogspot.com

  5. Found your blog on Tesha's. I am so very sorry for the loss of your sweet baby Noah. I lost my son Aug 2010 :(

    Your pictures are so beautiful.


I enjoy hearing from each & every one of you! Thanks for taking the time to comment. :)