Today's blog hop topic is on homeschool co-op's. For those who are unfamiliar with what a co-op is, it is when a group of families come together to spend time doing school with one another. The moms all help teach so the costs are kept as low as possible. I know others definition of co-ops vary in that some places kids are actually dropped off for classes and those teaching actually make money but to me, that isn't a traditional co-op.
When we first started homeschooling, I didn't think we had a need for a co-op since my kids were little. So it took a few years until I searched around for a co-op to join. I had no idea where to start as I didn't know anyone who homeschooled to point me in the right direction. Long story short, I found an amazing co-op we joined and wished we had started a few years earlier. We are now starting our 6th year with this wonderful group.
Our co-op is made up of about 55 families and roughly 180 kids, from nursery to 12th grade. We have a variety of classes from electives to core subjects. Everyone has a different reason for wanting to be a part of a co-op. Some people just want electives and lighter classes while others want core subjects like science or english. No matter what the reason is for attending a co-op, I think it's a great opportunity for the kids to experience having someone else teach them in a safe environment.
Our co-op meets once a week for 30 weeks starting in September and ending in April. We meet in a church facility that has classrooms, a kitchen, a fellowship hall and a gym. Even though all the moms help or teach in the classes throughout the day, there are times when we have down time and get to enjoy the company of other moms. I'd honestly have to say my favorite part of co-op is the "me" time I get to spend conversing with my friends. While co-ops are great for the educational aspect of homeschooling, they are equally important in offering the friendship & fellowship so many of us desire. I consider many of these dear ladies family. We have vacationed together, watched each others children and since the death of our son Noah 2 years ago, many of us have become even closer. Our co-op has been so supportive to us!
In addition to having classes once a week from 8:30-2pm, we also do projects together on other days. We've done field trips, picnics, we even have track & field day. Overall, being a part of a co-op has been a great experience for our family.
So great to get a glimpse into your homeschooling. We have a park group but not classes. Love this blog hop I will have to check out some homeschooling ideas :)