Memoria Press- Geography I

We enjoy studying geography as we love to travel, but I admit I hadn't used anything formal this year with Erik besides covering places we were already studying in other subjects. So I was excited to get to review Geography I from Memoria Press

Geography I is a no frills, classical christian curriculum that covers Middle East, North Africa & Europe. Books for this curriculum include a student textbook & workbook, and a teacher guide. Also included is a United States student workbook & teacher guide for a review of the states. This is simply a review of the states & capitals and doesn't included information because if you used Memoria Press in the previous school year, you would've already studied the states.

There is a wonderful mix of both ancient & modern information and facts that are covered with this curriculum with ties of Biblical history that relates to the different countries as well. Each country listed has a 2 page spread in the student notebook which includes a map, fast facts, information on climates, religion, culture, previous rulers & history headlines just to name a few things. Also scattered throughout the textbook are black & white pictures of famous people, landscapes & landmarks. The back of the student textbook includes colored pictures of each of the countries flags.

The student workbook includes a map page for each country where the student can list the capital, cities & some fun facts with reviews given every so often covering previous countries.

The teacher guide looks a lot like the student workbook that includes the answers for the student workbook plus additional quizzes that can be given.

I appreciated the fact that this was a simple, self paced curriculum that allowed Erik to do on his own with minimal help from me (and no prep work, win-win!) He did about 3 lessons a week during the review period. All he had to do was read over the student textbook then fill in the corresponding page in the workbook. The text provides straight forward facts that were easy to remember and wasn't overwhelming with information. He was able to easily recall information he had read. We used this curriculum as a springboard to dive more in depth with the countries we found interesting by going to the library for more books as well as looking online for more pictures & info.

The target grade for Geography I is 4th-8th grade and cost $48 for the package (which 3 of the 5 books are reusable.)


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