Let's face it, math can be a challenging subject so I always appreciate extra resources in helping my children master it. So we were excited to be given the chance to try CTC Math which we came to discover, is a wonderful online math program. We were recently given the 12 month Family Plan to review homeschool math.
The founders (as well as those who teach the lessons) are based from Australia and therefore have a soothing Australian based accent as they present the lessons. There is a choice to choose between Aussie & USA math This program provided us with 1 year of online math teaching from Kindergarten to 12th grade for all of our family. It is a full curriculum for at least grades K-6 and a very comprehensive supplement for middle & high school covering:
-Basic Math/Pre-Algebra
-Algebra 1
-Algebra 2
We are told that CTC Math is working on completing the upper grade level maths so they can be used as stand alone programs rather than just supplemental as they are now.
When your child first logs in, they choose the grade, the stream then the topic they want to cover. You can go in chronological order or you can choose for your child to just cover the topics they need the most help in. My children chose to take a break from our regular math curriculum and follow each lesson chronologically fully during the time of review. They did about 2-3 lessons a day for 4-5 days a week. If you are unsure of where to place your child, you can have them take the standard or comprehensive diagnostic test (which is available in the elementary grades) to figure out if they need to complete a certain level or not.
Each lesson was presented in a short video of about 5-10 minutes in length. Afterwards there was an online worksheet they would take to test them on what they just learned.
If there were math problems my children weren't able to figure out in their head, they would work out some of the problems on notebook paper. In addition to the video lessons, there were also games the kids could play or even worksheets to print out. There were certificates they could earn after getting good grades which make a nice contribution to portfolios if you have to complete them.
There is also a parents login where we could see when each child last logged in, the lessons they completed, the scores they got as well as had the ability to see their results report (summary or detailed). It would've been nice if we could've given them assignments to specific lessons from here. I would sit down with each child to determine what lessons they had to complete, which worked out but I am all about assigning lessons ahead of time if I can to save myself time. If I didn't have the time to log in to check on their progress, no biggie as I was emailed a progress report each week!
This curriculum was easy for each of my kiddos to log in on their own with their own login name (they didn't need my help after the first time). They loved the fact that if they had to stop in the middle of a lesson for whatever reason, it saved their spot and when they logged in again, it would take them right to where they left off at. They also appreciated the simplistic videos and that if they didn't understand something, they would go back and rewatch the video.
All my kiddos gave this curriculum a rave review! They each felt this helped them fill in the blanks to certain areas their regular math was lacking. They loved the ability to skip around to watch & complete lessons in areas they felt they needed extra help and they didn't move on to another lesson until they felt they were ready to. We appreciated the fact that they could each learn at their own pace. In fact, my children said they each plan to continue CTC Math over summer especially while we are on break from school to help them keep up on what they have learned.
At the time of this review, the 12 Month Family Plan for homeschoolers is just $118 which is normally $297. This is for 2+ family members for 12 months! This gives you access to ALL the levels!
You can also find CTC Math on Facebook.
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