Math is one of those subjects that can be tedious and boring so we are always looking for ways to jazz it up. This game of Sunya can be played either solo or with a group of players. We usually played with 3-4 people. We received the Multiplication and Division version but there is also a Subtraction and Addition version as well. The game we reviewed is intended for ages 9+, or those students who have some practice in Multiplication and Division.
The game came with 60 Sunya playing cards. These included the number cards as well as the mathematical signs and wild cards. There is also a deck of 30 cards that has math and science riddles that are to be used with the game. Also included is a 25 page instruction book. The books lays out in detail how to play the game and the different varieties of how to play it as well. There was also a number line included as well to help the students visual counting out their equations.
The general idea of the game is that each play is dealt 4 of the number cards. The dealer then sets up a number sentence. When it's your turn, you draw a card from the draw pile then you look at what numbers are already laid in the number sentence. The goal is to make a new number sentence replacing one of the numbers that are already laid. You do this by placing your card on top of an existing number. The wild cards can be used as any number. In order to win, a player must use up all the cards in their hand. The winner then draws one of the math and science riddle cards to read off to the rest of the places for them to solve.
The guidebook goes on to explain a second way to play the game as well as give directions on how to play Solitaire, Team Sunya, and Sunya 400. Team Sunya and Sunya 400 are both played by collecting points. The guidebook also goes on to share math quotes as well as math and science facts and riddles.
The book also shares why the game is called Sunya. Sunya is a word from Sanskrit, a language from India. Sunya means empty or void. The goal of this game is to empty your hands of all the cards and yell "Sunya" which means your hand is empty.
Being that this is a new company, they printed the guidebook in both color and black and white and asked our opinion of which way we preferred it. I would say color would be my choice. It was more pleasing to the eye and made reading it a lot easier. I admit the directions in the book were a bit wordy and overwhelming at first. I think they should have a short video on their website showing how to play the game as I think it would've helped make the directions in the book more clear.
Overall, the basic idea of making number sentences and trying to be the first one to get rid of your cards is a great way to practice math facts!

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