Trying out new curriculum

With only 34 official days left of school for us (not like I'm counting down or anything), I have been in planning mode for next year already. The kids classes have been chosen for co-op and I am starting to scour the web for the best deals on the curriculum I need. This is also the time of year I reevaluate what we've been using and look for new ideas or suggestions of new things to try. 

Which brings me to some new curriculum that I am being given a chance to try out in exchange for my reviews. The first comes from the website of Grapevine Studies. This site provides Bible study curriculum. I am looking forward to diving into this study with the kids and learning something new (that's my favorite part of homeschooling, learning things alongside of my kids). My review for this will be available sometime after May 1st. Along with my review, I will also be able to share a discount code for the curriculum we used.

I've also been invited to try Time4Learning for one month in exchange for a candid review. My opinion will be entirely my own, so be sure to come back and read about my experience. Time4Learning can be used as a homeschool curriculum , for afterschool enrichmen and for summer skill sharpening . Find out how to write your own curriculum review  for Time4Learning.

So with that said, what are some tried and true curriculum or activities that you use in your homeschool? Are you changing anything up this coming school year?

1 comment

  1. I'm so glad I happened upon your blog! I've used Time4Learning with my kids for years now and we've really enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to reading the review of someone new and unbiased though!


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