Baby #7 update

In case you might have missed the post I shared a few months ago with the special picture, we will soon be welcoming baby #7 in May. I realize I don't talk a whole lot about my pregnancy, partly because the innocence is lost for me since Noah died. I realize that anything could happen and just because I am pregnant, doesn't mean I am coming home with a baby. I do my best each day to cherish the movements, the hiccups and the kids always wanting to lay hands on my belly to feel this little one move. To be blessed with this precious life is certainly a gift I don't take for granted!!

I'm in the 3rd trimester so I guess the end is in sight which is hard to believe. My pregnancy has been pretty much like all my others. Sick at the beginning then feeling great the rest of the time.

Granted, this is an older pic but you get the idea.

I can't say I've had any major cravings but I'm often seen with the following:

I go through at least a bunch or 2 of celery each week. I also have been loving flavored seltzer water (any flavor, any brand) though I limit myself to one each day as I hate buying what is basically "bubbly" water.  I was fortunate to get some for $.32 a bottle recently so I stocked up! I also eat radishes like candy, even when not pregnant. In just a few weeks, I will be finally planting my own in my garden again so I can eat more than the occasional few here and there that I buy. Oh and I discovered many weeks ago that celery is a diuretic. I was wanting something crunchy before bed so I'd often eat a plate of plain celery before bed, then wonder why I was up peeing several times over the next hour or so. I looked it up and discovered the wonderful water-reducing ability of this crunchy veggie and stopped eating celery past about 7pm. (so if you are feeling bloating, eat some celery, just not before bed! lol)

This pregnancy hasn't entirely been without worries. One of which was a cyst was discovered on baby's brain at 18 weeks. They felt since they didn't see other markers, that things should be ok and the cyst would shrink, though I admit it's still nerve-wracking to think about. They said sometimes these show up with no other issues & eventually disappear. I went back a few weeks later and they said it looked like it had shrank a bit. I go back to the specialist this month for another 3D ultrasound to look again so please keep baby in prayer that it is completely gone & they don't find anything else wrong.

The upside to the extra ultrasounds is that I get to see baby more often and get some cute pics. Here are 2 from the last appointment which was 7 weeks ago:

This is a good one of the baby's nose & lips (baby was moving a bit so the right side of the mouth is a little distorted).

I LOVE this picture as baby had its eyes open (which is why they look like black spots) and s/he was placing its thumb into their open mouth (the other finger is up by its eye), how AMAZING to see baby doing this so early on!!

For the last 2 weeks, I've been dealing with this:

Yes, that's a glucometer. I failed my 1 hour glucose screening and they wanted me to do the 3 hour test which I told them I wouldn't do. I did it with Olivia and it was awful. The 2 day high carb diet they make you follow prior to the test was miserable, then combined that with the extremely sugary drink they make you consume for the 3 hour test, really messed my body up last time. I was almost positive I didn't have gestational diabetes as I don't have any of the typical symptoms or markers for it. I rarely consume sugar and not many processed carbs so I have no doubt when I drink the stuff for the 1 hour test, my body really minds it and gives a high reading. Anyway, they said I could check my blood sugar 4 times a day for 2 weeks instead of doing the 3 hour test so I agreed to do that. I know, you may be thinking how is the 3 hour test worse than sticking myself 56 times (which it ended up being more than that as some days my cold fingers wouldn't give up the blood and I stuck myself more than once). But trust me it is!! This was a cake walk. Good news is, just like I thought, I don't have GB. But it was interesting to see how what I ate affected my blood sugar levels.

So I continue to take each day of pregnancy one day at a time while praying for good health & outcome for this precious 7th blessing, knowing that s/he is ultimately in His hands!

Linking up with:
 My Joy-Filled Life


  1. Beautiful baby pics! So cute that you love celery so much! Keeping you and baby #7 in my prayers!

  2. YAY! Congrats on baby#7!! Beautiful pics...those are so cool.

  3. How exciting! I had GD my last two pregnancies - it sure made things tough. I'm so glad that you don't have it. Praying for a healthy baby.

  4. At least you crave healthy foods! I've been keeping an eye on my blood sugar also as I refused to even take the 1 hour test. My midwife finally did and A1C which came out at good low level and hasn't bugged me about it since. I notice if I keep my morning levels low I don't hold as much water.

  5. Great post - would love for you to link this up at the Baby Shower a link party for all things pregnancy and new baby. We're particularly focused on pregnancy conditions this week such as GD and even though (hurrah!) you don't have it, I think other bloggers would really value your perspective Alice @ Mums Make Lists xx

  6. Thanks for sharing and linking up with My Pregnancy Journal. Glad to hear that you don't have GD and good for you for sticking to your guns about the 3 hour test. I will keep you and baby in my prayers and can't wait to hear a praise report that the cyst is gone!


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