In fact, this is *the* go to refrigerator pickle recipe! If you are a fan of the expensive Claussen Pickles, well, save your money and try this out. They taste just like their regular garlic recipe. The pickles are so crisp and full of flavor. Best of all, you don't have to go through the work of canning them. Simply make the brine, let them sit 3 days and boom, you've got a gallon of delicious pickles that I guarantee you'll be eating day & night. (please tell me I'm not the only one who eats them for breakfast or a late night snack!)
You'll need:
1 gallon of cucumbers (not sure how many this equates as I have a gallon container I go by.)
1/3 cup minced dry onion
6 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 Tbsp mustard seeds
6 heads of fresh dill (I've just used fresh dill from the garden or store as I rarely have heads to use).
1 1/2 quarts of water
2 cups apple cider vinegar
1/2 cup canning salt
Slice cucumbers into spears. Boil liquids and seasonings to dissolve then cool. Pour over pickles then let sit 3 days, tossing them occasionally. Then refrigerate.
Printable Recipe
They keep for a LONG time I am told but they don't last long in our house. Even my littles scarf them up! If you aren't using homegrown cucumbers, don't use the waxed kind from the store. They won't give you the same result.
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