Tue Dec 7, Day 10
Today was the 1st of our 3 back to back sea days. So of course it was a lazy day since we didnt have to rush off anywhere. After breakfast the kids wanted to go to clubs so off they went. Mean time, Kevin & I went and sat outside for awhile to soak up some sun while we still have warm weather. It got quite hot sitting out on deck but it was very enjoyable.
We then met our friends down in Schooners for cartoon name that tune (theres always trivia or something fun going on somewhere on the ship). Our friends (whom we cruised with before) then offered to take the kids to lunch and let us sit out on their balcony for awhile.
So off they went to the Windjammer and Kevin & I headed to their balcony. Their room is only a couple of doors up from ours. I had never been in a balcony room before so this was a treat. I took my book along and read and Kevin just relaxed. We ordered room service (which is free) and ate out on the balcony for something different. I couldve fallen asleep out there if I had been in a lounger!
The kids spent some more time in clubs this afternoon while I finished up book #4 and Kevin wandered around the ship. Weve given them some freedom which they thoroughly enjoy. Weve allowed them to go up to Windjammer to get a snack without us (though all 4 of them are together and they take the steps, no elevator). They also have the freedom to sign themselves out of clubs if they want (but they have to come right back to the room). Theyve done that a few times, like last night, they were getting ready to play a movie theyve seen before so they came back to the room. Otherwise, they would have to sit up there till we come get them and we never know if they are wanting to leave or not. Theyve done well with having this extra privilege.
We noticed early on in the cruise that we saw our former waiters we had 2 yrs ago. This morning during breakfast both of them saw us and came up to talk to us as they remembered who we were! Which is quite amazing considering how many people theyve seen these last 2 yrs. So that was neat to catch up with them.
Its been hard for me to remember what day it is as all our days have ran together. Thankfully though, in all the elevators, there are plaques in the floor with the day of the week on it that they change every day. If it wasnt for that, Id have no clue what day of the week it is! Though several days ago, we got in the elevator one morning and had to do a double take as the plaque hadnt been changed. In fact, I honestly wasnt sure if that was the right day or not, so when we got off, I had to look in the other elevators to find out!
The kids are in clubs right now. They were having a music party and hula hoop contest tonight so they were anxious to get there once dinner was over. Were debating if well make this a late night tonight or not. Theres a hilarious game called Quest that is being played at 10:30 tonight that I missed the last time we cruised. Our waiter told us there will be a chocolate buffet at 11:30 in the Promenade. Not that I want any chocolate, but those specialty buffets sure do make for nice photo ops! Haha
Our waves have been about 8ft high today but the captain told us this afternoon that we are getting into rougher water and by tomorrow well have 12ft high waves. We are out further east in the ocean as we head back compared to when we came down. He said the depth under us right now it about 19,000 feet deep.
Im including a picture of the kids taken in front of the ship yesterday as we headed back to the pier. Have a good evening!
Today was the 1st of our 3 back to back sea days. So of course it was a lazy day since we didnt have to rush off anywhere. After breakfast the kids wanted to go to clubs so off they went. Mean time, Kevin & I went and sat outside for awhile to soak up some sun while we still have warm weather. It got quite hot sitting out on deck but it was very enjoyable.
We then met our friends down in Schooners for cartoon name that tune (theres always trivia or something fun going on somewhere on the ship). Our friends (whom we cruised with before) then offered to take the kids to lunch and let us sit out on their balcony for awhile.
So off they went to the Windjammer and Kevin & I headed to their balcony. Their room is only a couple of doors up from ours. I had never been in a balcony room before so this was a treat. I took my book along and read and Kevin just relaxed. We ordered room service (which is free) and ate out on the balcony for something different. I couldve fallen asleep out there if I had been in a lounger!
The kids spent some more time in clubs this afternoon while I finished up book #4 and Kevin wandered around the ship. Weve given them some freedom which they thoroughly enjoy. Weve allowed them to go up to Windjammer to get a snack without us (though all 4 of them are together and they take the steps, no elevator). They also have the freedom to sign themselves out of clubs if they want (but they have to come right back to the room). Theyve done that a few times, like last night, they were getting ready to play a movie theyve seen before so they came back to the room. Otherwise, they would have to sit up there till we come get them and we never know if they are wanting to leave or not. Theyve done well with having this extra privilege.
We noticed early on in the cruise that we saw our former waiters we had 2 yrs ago. This morning during breakfast both of them saw us and came up to talk to us as they remembered who we were! Which is quite amazing considering how many people theyve seen these last 2 yrs. So that was neat to catch up with them.
Its been hard for me to remember what day it is as all our days have ran together. Thankfully though, in all the elevators, there are plaques in the floor with the day of the week on it that they change every day. If it wasnt for that, Id have no clue what day of the week it is! Though several days ago, we got in the elevator one morning and had to do a double take as the plaque hadnt been changed. In fact, I honestly wasnt sure if that was the right day or not, so when we got off, I had to look in the other elevators to find out!
The kids are in clubs right now. They were having a music party and hula hoop contest tonight so they were anxious to get there once dinner was over. Were debating if well make this a late night tonight or not. Theres a hilarious game called Quest that is being played at 10:30 tonight that I missed the last time we cruised. Our waiter told us there will be a chocolate buffet at 11:30 in the Promenade. Not that I want any chocolate, but those specialty buffets sure do make for nice photo ops! Haha
Our waves have been about 8ft high today but the captain told us this afternoon that we are getting into rougher water and by tomorrow well have 12ft high waves. We are out further east in the ocean as we head back compared to when we came down. He said the depth under us right now it about 19,000 feet deep.
Im including a picture of the kids taken in front of the ship yesterday as we headed back to the pier. Have a good evening!
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